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The Great Historic Families of Scotland, Volume #2


By: James Taylor, Pub. 1889, Reprinted 2024, 442 pages, soft cover, ISBN #978-1-63914-221-7.  This set of books should be well received as a reprint for the genealogists, family historian or historian.  This volume #2 traces the earliest recorded origins of the following Scottish families up to the 19th Century: the Maxwells, the Johnstones, the Stewarts, the Drummonds (2), the Erskines (3), the Grahams (3), the Buccleuch, the Harden, the Hepburns, the Frasers (2), the Gordons (4), the Hays (3), and the Maclellans.  These historic families have grown prolifically over time and have added much to the development and history of the American colonies.